My bike commute takes me over this Tacoma train yard twice a day, and each time I think about the model railroad I built when I was a kid. For a period of six or seven years, I spent most of my free time in my parents' basement, creating an empire. Centerville was the name of the town. While other kids were out getting in fights, stealing candy bars, and kissing girls, I was building the Centerville Post Office from plastic, creating trestles from balsa, and raising mountain ranges from plaster. But I never had a train yard like this, and always wanted one.
Lately my youngest daughter has been asking to go to the neighborhood hobby shop. I think she likes to hear about my old railroad, and how you can make a pretty believable tree from a twig and a piece of moss. She wants me to bring my train stuff home from Montana — it's all in boxes now — and start a new empire in our basement. We'll be doing that
real soon. And I think Centerville will finally be getting that yard it was missing.
What's with the useless turn lane running nearly the entire length of Dock ST? I bet you've had plenty of time to think about that. Install bike lanes in the turn lane sections and sharrows on the stretch from Esplanade to D, and you've got yourself a nice little bike route. Then connect to Old Town by reducing Schuster to one lane, lowering the MPH to 30, and installing speed humps. Ah, only in dreams...
Hey Nick. I always think about how Dock Street could serve as a model for bicycle/car cooperation in much the way you described. Sharrows from the area just west of the MOG (where cars can park on the street) all the way up to D Street. Bike lanes the rest of the way to Schuster. Ahhh... Schuster. Don't get me started on that disaster waiting to happen.
How soon should your parents expect you to retrieve Centerville? Not that we're eager or anything...We're thinking of putting a pool in the space it now occupies. And we'd like to put in a sports bar where your radio control boats and cars are garaged.
I remember that! It was amazing. So glad you have a basement to set it up again. I imagine your mom will be glad to have the extra space!
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