1) Get together several hundred associates of "Seattle's drinking club with a biking problem"So yeah, it could have been a terrible mess. But the 4th annual Fucking Hills Race went off without a casuality, save for a few burned retinas after an impromptu mass-mooning from the deck of the Bainbridge ferry. More on that in a second. Let's back up.
2) Hold a 33-mile road race, equal parts cramp-inducing climbs and blurred-vision downhills
3) Add a mandatory whiskey pit stop, beer, chili, and bike prizes
4) Race on the same day, and on the same course as Washington's 2nd largest cycling event
Mid-January, rumblings of the race were beginning to surface on the .83 forum. I've ridden with the club a few times (and have the scars to prove it). The rides are always a good time. On the other hand, I'm getting to be an old man. Maybe the spandex and neon vest crew would be more my speed.
Internal conflict. Ride legit, or pirate?

Time to start training my liver.

Rainier tall-boy swilled from a bike-glove coozie at 9am. Yarrr.
On the ferry, an unexpected announcement: "First we'll be letting cars off the boat, then cyclists participating in Chilly Hilly, followed by the pirates." Damn. Big enough for a PA shout-out. Next year we might need insurance. Or something. Whatever.

Pure class.
Woooo! Where is this energy coming from? I'm fast. Is it hot in here? I'm stopping by that tree up there and taking off a layer. Maybe two. Maybe I'll just ride in my underwear. Wheeee. Pedals? What pedals? I, uhhhh...
Fact: 1 shot of whiskey propels a 155 lb. cyclist approximately 3 miles.
The rest of the race is a blur of strained pedal strokes, sweat, and suffering. Sweet Jeebus on a merry-go-round, I really need to ride more. Not familiar with Bainbridge Island, I kept hoping the downtown finish was over the next hill. No. Around that corner? Nope. Right after this flat section? Ha! Another hill? Call the sag wagon.

Thing is, nobody cares. In fact, cheating is expected.

One dude took home a new bike. It was like Christmas... except with a bunch of sweaty people I didn't know.

My wife will be relieved to know I caught an earlier boat, and wasn't among the pantless. Yes, the author's esteemed standing in the community is preserved. For now, at least.
Great event, cool people, almost enough beer. Next year there will be no internal conflict. FHR gets mad bacon.

Coverage of the "other club" riding on the course that day